Your Superpower Should Be Manipulating Electricity |
 You're highly reactive, energetic, and super charged. If the occasion calls for it, you can go from 0 to 60 in a split second. But you don't harness your energy unless you truly need to. And because of this, people are often surprised by what you are capable of.
Why you would be a good superhero: You have the stamina to fight enemies for days
Your biggest problem as a superhero: As with your normal life, people would continue to underestimate you |
typed at2:38 pm
willy wonka

My favourite character is Charlie because he is brave, kind and obedient. My favourite part of the story is when he found a ten dollar note and brought it to the nearest chocolate stall! He bought two packets of chocolate. One packet has no ticket and the other packet had a golden ticket. In the end,Charlie won the prize and the prize was the chocolate factory. The new character that I am going to introduce is Peter Brown. He is Charlie's best friend. Peter is the same age as Charlie. After Charlie was given the chocolate factory, he brought Peter to drink from the chocolate lake and eat the marshmallow flowers. Peter made friends with the Oomapa-Loompas and they always let Peter try the latest chocolate flavour! Would you like to join Charlie and Peter the next time they try the new chocolate flavour?

typed at3:07 pm
sherwin's youtube selection
typed at6:06 pm